a private school with a public purpose
We are fortunate. We are grateful. And we believe that a strong education and foundation for our students lies in looking beyond ourselves and giving back to our community and world. Our purpose is greater than just serving ourselves; we are here to learn how to be of service to others.
SBMS provides the opportunities for our students to meaningfully engage in our community. We meet, speak with, feed and wash the clothes of the homeless, teach bicycle mechanics at local schools, provide bicycle tune-ups at Earth Day, and many more!
Community Action Club
Our school's Community Action Club creates service-based projects aimed to engage with our local community and beyond. Students decide which social issue they'd like to help, and students brainstorm ways to affect change. Our Community Action Club holds fundraisers on campus and engages in actions to bring about change.
Creating and installing pop up libraries around town, hosting hunger banquets to support our local homeless population, holding Unity Shoppe food drives, and sewing pillow case dresses for orphans in Africa are just a few of the service opportunities where we participate.
The feeling I got from seeing all of the Special Olympians' faces light up made the whole thing worthwhile. You could see how much that day meant to everyone there, and it was a truly beautiful moment. -Lucky Drucker, 7th grade, member of the Community Action Club